Its our pleasure to announce that we are going to upgrade our Hosting Server today Evening for Better Performance for your Website.
Reason for migration
In order to ensure the long term reliability of your website we have been working hard for the past three months to create a brand new server with the redundancy and scalability that will serve you far into the future.
We have added following new features which was not available in Existing Server.
>>> LiteSpeed Web Server
>>> Cache Optimized
>>> JS/CSS compression - faster loading
>>> GZIP Compression
>>> Built-in anti-DDoS
>>> PHP up to 3x faster than Apache and Static content - 5x faster and Dynamic file - 10x faster
There may be some elements that are temporarily inconvenient and frustrating for you over the next couple of days of migration.
I am really sorry for those things in advance, but this upgrade is absolutely necessary and good for your website long term.
You need to change your Domain Name Server Records to load Website from New Server
It will take 4 to 48 Hrs to Propagate NS Records throughout the World
New Nameservers
If you have Registered Domain Name with then you don’t need to Change NS Records at your end,
We will update NS Records of your domain name on your behalf.
If you have Registered Domain Name with Other Domain Providers then Please use following Name Server Records to update at your Domain Name
IP 1 :
IP 2 :
How to Change NS Records?
1. Login to your Domain Control Panel
2. Go the Name Servers Details
3. Update New NS Records as mentioned above
How to check NS Records Propagated or Not?
1. Open a Website :
2. Enter your domain name
3. Select NS
4. Click Search
5. You will see your Current NS Records.
We know how important your website is, and we want to make sure this Migration is as smooth as possible. But please be gracious during this process, and realistically anticipate some bugs in the first couple of days. We'll be working overtime to respond and fix them ASAP. Despite any problems, we are confident that after the migration settles down, this is going to be a huge improvement for the long term reliability and scalability of your website.
If you face any issues while updating NS Records, Please open a Support Ticket so our Support Team will be able to resolve the issues ASAP
Support Team,
+91 976 474 6633